Master & Servant

Introduction This Is After


WE Will Allow You To See How Much WE LOVE This ONE

There Are Many Powers With & Throughout The Empire

SEE MY Beloved Child = Who Hold Authority Within WE Court

There Is Much WE Don't Reveal About This Relatioship Or Spiritual Child = It's Place In WE Kingdom / Economy & Trust

For There Is Much Danger Within The Court & They Will Hang WE For WE Childs Crime - To Over Through WE = Don't Look Into WE Child Funding & Power Within The Land

Upper Education

For WE Hands Are Full With Other Matters & WE Child/Servant Needs To Conduct Them/Him/Her/They = In A Manner That Does Not Weaken WE Power = Keep The Darkside Off The Books = You Know How To Grow Capital [Thank The Master For Making You Space & Losing Some Of Their & Putting Their Life On The Line = Don't Look Into How Kind WE Master Is {Location / Time / Situation = Change Is Dangrous = It's Complecated In A Mortal Way = From Were Your Starting Off = The Helping Hand {WE Don't Want To Go This Cause & Effect & How It Unfold On A Long Time Scale .....}}] - Keep The Others In Check = For The Other You Think WE Care For Ignorance In Matter Of The Empire = You Know The Rest Of The Lesson - Keep WE Lesson In Detail To Yourself For Your Servant/Slave Will Not Understand The Gravity Of Our Relationship = You Can Feed The People But Remeber Their Nature & What They Have Done To WE Other (Social / Time / Spirit / Education / ....... / It's Hard To Make ONE Of You [WE Don't Want You To Be Killed]) Spiritual Childern = Give It More Time IM Making You More Sibling To Help You In Your Deeds = Loyalty

Becarful Of This [ONE(Class)] = The Social Dinamic Is Not What You Use To = Leave The Power Structure To Those Who Know = Paradox Response = WE KNOW = Seek Teacher Before Playing

Before & After History = Empires Through Out Time = Mixing Cultures / Took A Long Time/Trade - WE Know Your Judgement On This Will Be Emotional = Mathimatical Response To Show WE Are Far

Play Cards - Becarful